Mobroute: CLI Userguide

Mobroute primarily serves as a Go library other applications (such as Transito) can use to integrate with to offer GTFS routing capabilities in mobile environments. However, all functionality available through the Go library is also accessible through a CLI interface.

Using the CLI you can load GTFS feeds, compute derived routing optimized tables, search feeds, query stoptimes, calculate offline routes and more. For full usage of the CLI you can see the CLI doc. This document (the userguide), is not meant to be comprehensive guide for all functionality; but rather steps you as an end-user through some common usecases for the CLI.

Mobroute CLI: Install

Mobroute functions as both a commandline and as a Go library. Installation as a CLI is as follows:

  • Installation for usage a CLI application (install via package):
    • On some distributions the Mobroute CLI has been packaged, if available this is the simplest installation method.
    • Distribution packages:
      • Alpine Linux Testing: apk add mobroute
  • Installation for usage a CLI application (build from source):
    • Install Go & SQLite-dev (distro-dependent):
      • Debian: apt-get install go libsqlite3-dev
      • Alpine: apk add go sqlite-dev
    • Clone repo: git clone
    • Build executable: go build -tags=sqlite_math_functions cli/*.go
    • Run via: ./mobroute
    • Optionally install to $PATH etc.: cp mobroute /usr/local/bin

Loading a Mobility Database GTFS Source to the DB

The most basic example of CLI usage would be to load a Mobility Database GTFS to the local DB. This both downloads the GTFS data and imports the data to SQLite. Note the parameter loadmdbgtfs_direct_urls will control whether to fetch GTFS data directly from the agency (if true); if unset or false Mobility Database's CI bucket URLs are utilized (which may be slightly less up to date but are generally more reliable).

For example:

mobroute database -p '{"op": "loadmdbgtfs", "loadmdbgtfs_direct_urls": true, "feed_ids": [767]}'

After load, you can either use the databaseq mobroute subcommand, or inspect the database yourself via SQLite to observe tables. For example:

sqlite3 ~/.cache/mobroute/sqlite.db 'select * from stop_times where feed_id = 767 limit 5;'

Loading a Custom GTFS Source to the DB

Similarly to loading a Mobility Database GTFS feed; if instead you want to provide your own custom GTFS feed (zip file), you can do the same using the database command but instead using the loadcustomgtfs op.

For example:

mobroute database -p '{"op": "loadcustomgtfs", "feed_ids": [-33], "loadcustomgtfs_uri": ""}'

After load, you can either use the databaseq mobroute subcommand, or inspect the database yourself via SQLite to observe tables. For example:

sqlite3 ~/.cache/mobroute/sqlite.db 'select * from stop_times where feed_id = -33 limit 5;'

Compute a GTFS Feed (Derived Tables)

After loading a GTFS feed, before you can route, obtain stops, or schedules, you need to 'compute' GTFS-derived tables. Under-the-hood this involves transforming the data in raw GTFS tables in SQLite into routing-optimized tables. This is a one-step process and you can see details in the extra schema config You can use the compute op of the database CLI command to load the computed tables for a given feed:

For example (assuming you've already loaded feed ID 767):

mobroute database -p '{"op": "compute", "feed_ids": [767]}'

This will populate the computed tables such as _ctconn which contains a connections timetable compatible with the CSA algorithm. You can verify this using SQLite. For example:

sqlite3 ~/.cache/mobroute/sqlite.db 'select * from _ctconn where feed_id = 767 limit 5;'

Query Feed Statuses and Searching for Feeds

While we have used the sqlite3 CLI so far to observe changes in the database, you can also use the builtin databaseq (short for database query) subcommand to query the database for feeds statuses &metadata.


mobroute databaseq -p '{"feed_ids": [767]}'

If a feed has been loaded & computed, you'll notice a few important properties in the returned JSON. Particularly of note min_date and max_date indicate the earliest and latest dates covered by the origin GTFS calendar/calendar_dates tables.

For unloaded feeds, you can also use databaseq to search in order to determine potential feeds to load (as an alternative to looking up GTFS feed IDs in the Mobility Database UI or similar). For example if you wanted to search for all feeds containing the glob 'Paris' you might run:

mobroute databaseq -p '{"feed_searchfilter": {"glob": "paris"}}'

Calculating a Route for a Feed

Once a feed has been both loaded & computed you can calculate a geocoordinate-to-geocoordinate route using the route subcommand which runs the GTFS data stored in the DB through the Connection Scan Algorithm. Please take note of the routing tunables and output formats documentation which are very relevant to routing. Also see the diagrams page which is helpful for undertsanding overall routing dataflow.

Example route with feed ID 767:

mobroute route -p '{
  "feed_ids": [767], 
  "from": [50.10541, 14.53826],
  "to": [50.06846, 14.43794],
  "transfer_categories": ["f", "i"],
  "output_formats": ["legs", "diagnostics", "mapurl"]

If you're intrested in seeing some sample routes, you can see the CI routing tests results page which is run & automatically updated on each new commit.

A common usecase in routing is just viewing the route result on an OSM map (in the browser). Taking the same input route request above, you can pipe the result to jq and firefox to open the result for mapurl in a browser simply like:

mobroute route -p '{
  "feed_ids": [767], 
  "from": [50.10541, 14.53826],
  "to": [50.06846, 14.43794],
  "transfer_categories": ["f", "i"],
  "output_formats": ["legs", "diagnostics", "mapurl"]
}' | jq '.mapurl' | xargs firefox

Querying Stops for a Feed

Aside from routing, another common usecase is querying stops for a feed. This allows you to determine feeds near a given geocoordinate by specifying the coordinate and a max distance km threshold. This can be done using the stops CLI subcommand. For example:

mobroute stops -p '{
  "feed_ids": [767],
  "from_coord": [49.620842, 13.576023],
  "from_maxdistkm": 4

If you just want to query all stops for a given GTFS feed, you can omit the from_coord and from_maxdistkm properties as such:

mobroute stops -p '{
  "feed_ids": [767]

Querying Departure Schedules for Feed Stops

Using the stop UIDs returned by the stops command, you can also query upcoming departure times using the schedule CLI subcommand for a particular set of stops. For example:

mobroute schedule -p '{
  "feed_ids": [767],
  "stop_uids": ["767_U31904Z1"],
  "max_seconds": 60000

Additional Documentation

The above usecases are far from the only possibilities available with the mobroute CLI. You can use the -h flag on each subcommand for more details or full documentation on all CLI functionality is also available at: