Mobroute: Routing Output Formats

The routing library call (RTRoute) and the CLI route subcommand supports a number of output formats. Which output formats are enabled are defined by the output formats property in tunables. These formats don't effects the calculation of the target route at all but rather provide the end-user with a number of different ways to format and consume the calculated route. For more information on general routing dataflow, see the routing dataflow pattern diagram.

The currently supported output formats are as follows:

Legs (legs)

Datatype: Array of Leg Objects

The legs output format is most applicable for building route planners (e.g. this is the route information in 'raw') format. Each "leg" so to speak of the calculated route is presented separately. The returned output format is an array of Legs.

Note importantly for every leg, the following properties are always available:

  • leg_type: May be trip, walk, or transfer
  • leg_begin_time: RFC3399 UTC time start
  • leg_end_time: RFC3399 UTC time end
  • leg_duration: Leg duration in seconds
  • leg_from_coords: Origin coordinates in lat, lon format
  • leg_to_coords: Destination coordinates in lat, lon format

And depending on the leg_type other properties are visible.


    "leg_type": "trip",
    "leg_begin_time": "2024-12-13T17:10:00-05:00",
    "leg_end_time": "2024-12-13T17:58:00-05:00",
    "leg_duration": "48m0s",
    "leg_from_coords": [ 50.01844, 19.88948 ],
    "leg_to_coords": [ 50.090025, 20.021395 ],
    "trip_route": "52",
    "trip_route_headsign": "Os.Piastów",
    "trip_from": "Czerwone Maki P+R",
    "trip_to": "Rondo Hipokratesa",
  }, ...

Correlates to Go type RouteLeg.

GeoJSON (geojson)

Datatype: array of Feature Objects (standard GeoJSON)

The geojson output format allows viewing the route as standard GeoJSON. GeoJSON is helpful mostly for integration with other map & navigation applications that natively support GeoJSON. Support with GeoJSON is demonstrated by the integration with Mepo; however any map application with GeoJSON support should work.

Each leg and individual stops within each leg (for trip legs) is represented by a single GeoJSON feature. And within each feature, the properties contains two keys: icon and name. The icon key may be walk, board, or `stop. And the name property is an instruction to complete the step.

For example:

    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": { "icon": "walk", "name": "Walk from origin ([50.012338 19.88192]): 16:57 → 17:12 (14m 52s)" },
    "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 19.88192, 50.012338 ] }

Correlates to Go type GeoJSONFeature.

Map URL (mapurl)

Datatype: string (HTTP URI for the map URL)

The mapurl output format generates a URL for the service which essentially passes the entire rendered GeoJSON route in the URL. This allows for a quick way to test / visualize routes on a Leaflet OSM map. The advantage of this formatter is its convenience.

Example: Rendered Route

Diagnostics (diagnostics)

Datatype: Diagnostics Object

The diagnostics output format is a meta-level format which passes through details about performance & internals during the route calculation process. This is largely an advanced type used for debugging but may be helpful for end-users & library users in that some helpful statistics are shown about the route.


  "perf_smemload_connections": "123.145667ms",
  "perf_smemload_transfers": "2.787208ms",
  "perf_smemload_walksfrom": "2.315434ms",
  "perf_smemload_walksto": "2.281694ms",
  "perf_smemload_connsverb": "51.09542ms",
  "perf_sroute": "3.865538ms",
  "perf_nmemtransfers": 343,
  "perf_nmemwalksfrom": 343,
  "perf_nmemwalksfromnonnil": 1,
  "perf_nmemwalksto": 343,
  "perf_nmemwalkstononnil": 16,
  "perf_nmemconns": 24424,
  "perf_optimizedfeeds": [ 1270 ],
  "routeinfo_ntransfers": 1,
  "routeinfo_duration": 4369,
  "routeinfo_duration_walkfrom": 892,
  "routeinfo_duration_walktto": 308,
  "routeinfo_duration_transit": 3169,
  "routeinfo_depart": "2024-12-13T17:05:18.615731229-05:00",
  "routeinto_arrive": "2024-12-13T18:18:08-05:00"

Correlates to Go type RouteDiagnostics.

Connections (connections)

Datatype: Array of ConnectionVerbose Objects

The connections output format is an advanced type for debugging that shows raw "connections" as outputted by the Connection Scan Algorithm (CSA). CSA itself on input takes a large set of connections and narrows the result down to the very small set of connections that form a valid route.

This is an advanced type in that that can be incredibly helpful in debugging the routing algorithm as it allows you to show the raw output of CSA before legs formatting.


    "conn_oid": 1563365,
    "feed_id": 1270,
    "service_id": "service_4",
    "service_date": "20241213",
    "from_stop_id": "stop_572_303819",
    "direction_id": 0,
    "from_stop_sequence": 1,
    "from_stop_parent_id": "stop_572_303819",
    "from_stop_parent_uid": "1270_stop_572_303819",
    "from_stop_lat": 50.01844,
    "from_stop_lon": 19.88948,
    "from_stop_name": "Czerwone Maki P+R",
    "from_stop_time": 41100,
    "from_stop_drutctime": 44700,
    "route_id": "route_70",
    "agency_id": "agency_1",
    "route_short_name": "52",
    "route_long_name": "52",
    "tid": "block_386_trip_7_service_4",
    "to_stop_sequence": "2",
    "to_stop_id": "stop_347_269129",
    "to_stop_parent_id": "stop_347_269129",
    "to_stop_parent_uid": "1270_stop_347_269129",
    "to_stop_lat": 50.020825,
    "to_stop_lon": 19.898122,
    "to_stop_name": "Chmieleniec",
    "to_stop_time": 41160,
    "to_stop_drutctime": 44760,
    "trip_headsign": "Os.Piastów"
  }, ...

Correlates to Go type ConnectionVerbose.

Request (request)

Datatype: Request Object

The request output format is a meta-level format which passes through the raw input routing request. This request can be used for running the RTRoute function again for replication of the same request (or running on the CLI as mobroute route -p '{}'). This can be helpful for debugging & replicating the same request again (as the input params may be frozen this way).


  "feed_ids": [ 516 ],
  "from": [ 40.7094, -74.00537 ],
  "to": [ 40.72879, -73.95215 ],
  "transfer_categories": [ "f", "i" ],
  "output_formats": [ "legs", "diagnostics", "mapurl", "request" ],
  "time": "2024-12-13T17:10:42.164544395-05:00",
  "max_n_transfers": 20,
  "max_transfer_seconds": 2400,
  "max_trip_seconds": 14400,
  "max_walk_seconds": 1200,
  "min_transfer_seconds": 180,
  "walkspeed_km_hr": 3.5,
  "optimizations": [ "feedsclean" ]

Correlates to Go type RouteParams.